Thursday, 22 October 2009

The Roughcut Filming Procedure.

After booking our camera and meeting on Sunday evening, we were slightly disappointed with the lack of people in town because of it being Uni Freshers we'd thought there would plenty of night life activity. However we then realised it came to an advantage to us because we didn't have the problem of having people protest in being in some shots of our film. Which can effect the pace of work we could do with our evening, we were willing to stay till we had what we wanted and luckily for us we managed to make most of the footage in an hour.

As for our location we chose the shopping area of town and the bus station, the bus station has plenty of lighting which helped us make the footage clear and reinforce the concept of night time. The shopping area gave us the chance to film in-doors, as we filmed some of our footage in the "Grand Arcade" we realised that this could be the end of the characters wild night.

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