Monday, 28 September 2009

Pitch Feedback

After introducing our pitch to members of our class, we got both positive and negative feedback. Our main issue was that our pitch seemed to not contain enough scenearios for the length of our track. We were told that we need a variety of activity and change of sceneario's to not bore our viewers. Because of the opportunities this track offers we need to focus on what we want to represent and how well we can do that. A second issue is that another group in our class has chosen the same track as us, this has proven to become competitive and made it more difficult for us to find original ideas, after hearing their pitch it became clear that we had very similar ideas. A nightlife concept is what we chose and what we shall persue even if the opposite group has chosen a same environment and scenaries.

Apart from those factors we had positive feedback of our image for the video and a general concept of idea. Further more we need to consider our techniques of shooting the video, our shots types, environment, props and characters whom shall be in our video.

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